Today during the Android Honeycomb Event we launched a couple of really exciting new features Android. As well as a closer look at what's possible with the Honeycomb SDK, we also announced:
- Web-based Android Market
- In App billing
- Buyer currency support
There's more details on all three at the Android Developer Blog, and you can watch the launch event on YouTube.
Web Based Android Market
This is long awaited and seriously cool. Finally we developers have a homepage on the web for our Android apps. Not only that, but now we can install apps OTA simply by pressing install and the app of our choice will be automagically pushed to our phone.
My question to you: Have you uploaded the 512x512 alpha blended app icon and 1024x500 full bleed feature graphic? If the answer is no, then you have (at best) a 72x72 icon stretched into jaggy hell representing your app to would be users. That's probably something you want to do something about sooner rather than later.
To celebrate web landing pages for apps I've put together this list of the apps that I've been using on my Android devices.
Buyer Currency Support
You can now specify different prices for different currencies - and even more importantly, as a result users will always see the app priced in their local currency. No more "~" symbols or strange foreign currencies.
In App Billing
More ways for developers to monetize their apps can only be a good thing. A simpler purchase process for users benefits everyone.
I stumbled upon your apps via Twitter, but although I'm a proud owner of a Nexus One, I'm not able to install Earthquake! via Web Market, telling me that my device is not compatible with this app. What the heck?! It installed without a problem via Market on the device itself, though.